12 Years LTI Free
APR 2019
On the 26th of April 2019 ICE Engineering & Construction achieved 12 years without a Lost Time Injury (LTI).
As an Electrical and Instrumentation Constructor servicing the Mining, Oil & Gas and Defence sectors, we execute complex projects in harsh and remote environments. We work side by side with multiple trades and other constructors in often, operating plants. We believe this significant milestone and what we do every day to achieve it, is worth sharing with you and the wider community.
Best practice safety outcomes are the result of a long journey – good performance is not achieved overnight or in isolation. ICE have invested in our systems, our processes and training and our disciplined approach to demonstrate good safety practices. However the overall outcome is achieved by our people. ICE have recruited and developed the people who have a track record of delivering work safely to a high standard.
Our safety performance has been achieved through a team culture built around strong leadership, clear communication, planning and taking the time to think through all the potential hazards, the “what ifs” and breaking down each task to determine what controls need to be put in place to ensure a safe outcome.
Our construction teams ask questions and think through each scenario. Experiences are shared and we learn from each other so that our collective knowledge is built across the team and the site so everyone is more aware of the risks and the right decisions are made.
We perform the following activities on site and have documented evidence that they improve an individual’s safety awareness and a stronger safety culture across the business;
- Project Risk Assessments: A team effort between our project team and the client to assess the potential risks associated with the up-coming project. The type of work is considered as well as the site, the environment, other work groups and any other potential contributing factor that could cause an incident or injury to our employee’s or others in the work area.
- JSEA (Job Safety Environmental Analysis): All employees are involved in this critical job planning step and actively contribute to exposing the risks and taking the correct actions to avoid the risk of personal injury.
- Pre-start Tool Box meetings: provides a clear understanding of the day’s activities and creates a broad awareness of what we are going to be undertaking, by who, where and when. This leads to the specific task at hand.
- TAKE 5: Your last opportunity before starting the task to see what’s changed or what might be different to what’s been discussed or documented in the JSEA and the pre-start meeting.
- Safe Act Observation (SAO): watching others work with a critical and pragmatic eye provides a different view point in which potential hazards can be identified and provides learnings for the other team members on good and bad practices.
Field Leadership is key to a Safe workplace. Our supervisors, leading hands Project Managers and the Leadership Team spend time in the field talking to our workgroups to make sure they understand the risks, the hazards and the control measures to be undertaken to ensure we all go home fit and healthy at the end of each working day.
ICE has a strong safety culture built on accountability. All of our Employee’s sign and agree to carry out all tasks in accordance with the strict guidelines of our HSE Agreement. We are not afraid to pull anyone up that is not doing the right thing and jeopardizing their own safety or that of others.
Although we have achieved this significant milestone and expect to achieve 2,500,000 hours worked without an LTI in the next few months, we will not rest or become complacent. We know that we need to work on the basics, every hour of every day. We understand the consequences of a work place injury to the employee, their family, and the client. We measure our company’s success on our safety performance.
We thank you for the work opportunities you have provided to ICE and would like you to know that we are focused on doing the right things to ensure your business risks are minimised and your business benefits when you engage ICE Engineering & Construction.
CEO – Nick Bindi