ICE Engineering plays a key role in delivering renewable energy to a remote mine site
Agnew Gold Mine is approximately 25km west of Leinster in the northern goldfields region of Western Australia. Mine energy consumption is transitioning from diesel generation to a hybrid solution that combines solar, wind, battery and gas generation.
ICE’s scope includes the main Electrical & Mechanical Construction and Completion work of the Wind Turbine Generators, working alongside QWEST Cranes and directly for Goldwind Australia
The Wind Farm consists of five (5) GW140 3.57MW Wind Turbines at a hub height of 110m and with a total name-plate rated capacity of 17.85 MW. It will connect and export power into the newly built Angew Gold Mine Power Station (AGPS) with a scheduled completion in March 2020.
ABC News Article:
Pictured below: Nick Bindi – ICE CEO (left) and John Fannin – Goldwind Project Manager Turbine Installation (right)